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This programme is designed to inspire the girl-child to aspire to greater heights in life. Our society for a long time has stereotyped girls as potential baby makers, house wives or belonging to the kitchen. Our goal is to disabuse the minds of girls of this phenomenon and to give them the needed motivation to visualise themselves beyond mere household activities. They should see themselves as people who have equal and better potential to rise to the top just like their male counterparts in school.

They should not be reduced to potential prey for predating men. This we do by forming what we call the GirlInspiration clubs in basic and senior high schools and giving them the necessary psychosocial tools to rediscover themselves. We invite female or women achievers to speak to them and inspire them. Sometimes, we take them to the offices or working places of these women by way of actuality. We believe this is enough inspiration to make them also want to work hard towards such goals. Another thing we do is to take them on excursion to various universities or tertiary institutions where they see young university ladies who come from backgrounds just like theirs. We also offer scholarship packages to those who are doing well academically to encourage them to work harder.

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00