
We seek to bridge the gap between the privileged and the underprivileged via advocacy, support and capacity building.



The Global Bridge For Humanity is dedicated to improving the quality of life of the under privileged through education. We believe education is the key for the fundamental transformation of our community toward a prosperous future and more just society. Our educational pogrammes by the help of donors and sponsors– provides access to high-quality education for underprivileged children who, without us, would likely be out of the educational system altogether. While our curriculum is fully-compliant with the Ghanaian standard set up by the local government, we extended it by including topics such as physical education, digital literacy, diversity and inclusion, environmental protection, and public health.

Through this comprehensive approach, we believe our children will grow to be responsible global citizens. We drive sustainable solutions to barriers to opportunities and strengthen systems through professional development, coaching, technical assistance, and research. We help adults develop the skills they need in close collaboration with a range of public and private institutions. Our work improves the education, social, and economic security of the under privileged. We focus on literacy, access to education for all, community engagement, and conflict resolution to increase the quality and equity of education systems. 


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